
Unexpected Conversations

I want to share a similar experience to Erin's. This week I've been in Nashville for job training. It has been a week of many "get to know you" conversations. During the course of these converstations, people find out that my husband and I just bought a house with another family. I'm suprised time and again how many people find the idea compelling. I had one lady share with me how she lived with her daughter's family for an extended amount of time - and now dearly misses the community - even though she now lives next door to her daughter.
I think she is right -- there is just something special about living under one roof. You don't have to plan in bumping into loved ones - it is a natural part of your day. You don't have to look for ways to serve others - opprotunities just naturally present themselves. You don't have to turn the TV on to find some comic relief - there are plenty of smiles to share with housemates. You don't have to search for people who care enough to spur you on to holiness - they sit around your dinner table!

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